Golden Nugget

Tue, Mar 11, 2003

My wife, Rachel, has another funny story on her blog. Check it out.

Out of town for the rest of the week

Tue, Mar 11, 2003

I'm heading to sunny Seattle for the rest of the week so no updates until then.

FTP Upstreamer a go

Tue, Mar 11, 2003

I've gotten some nibbles from at least 4 people on the upstreamer. That isn't all 7 of you out there but I guess this will do :)

I'll start on it this weekend or sometime early next week. Hopefully it will go fast as I already have the FTP code.

Gary Burd suggested a combo of ssh, rsync and a crontab entry. It looks like you can install RSync on windows if you try hard enough. However, I don't have that much control over all of the machines that I want to upload to, so this looks like a non-starter -- at least for me. Getting a more secure connection would be nice, though.

I also was thinking about taking advantage of the shadow copy stuff in XP but it looks like you need to sign an NDA to get at that SDK. Oh well.

FTP Upstreamer project

Tue, Mar 11, 2003

I want to gauge interest in a new project. How many of you out there (and I know there are something like 7 of you :) would actually use a utility that did the following:

  • Had a list of local directories and FTP servers/paths
  • Monitored those dirs (timer or file change notifications) for changes.
  • Upstream new files (based on file times) to the FTP server. This wouldn't be a full sync but would rather be a copy. It would never delete anything from the server.
  • Has a tray icon to let you know what is going on.

BTW, this is a feature stolen almost verbatim from Radio. I think that it would be useful to break it out into its own utility.

The real reason I would want this is that frickin' VS.Net doesn't have a way to deply an ASP.Net application to an FTP server. You can copy it or use FP extentions, but you can't FTP that guy up there.

I would include source and an installer for this guy.

If you are interested, email me at eightypercent at and I'll think about putting something together.