
Fri, Jun 6, 2003

If it isn't apparent from other sources, I work for Microsoft.  Obviously, I cant speak for the company, but I'd like to draw attention to some comments from Steve Ballmer in the recent memo that he sent to us.  Scoble has these comments posted on his blog and I don't want to see them get lost in the shuffle.

SteveB wrote: "Many customers, MVP's, employees, and industry analysts have said to us that people would appreciate our innovations more and the value we deliver if they knew the company and its people better." and  "To generate enthusiasm for our company and innovations, we must also communicate more broadly and in a more human and compelling voice."

In case you haven't noticed, this blog (and many others) are a grassroots effort from within the company to do just what Steve is asking.  What would you like to see?  How do you think that we can execute on this mission of transparency?

In my opinion, we have a long road ahead to dig ourselves out of the hole that we've dug.  Engaging with the community in a real way is one step.